Pledging Archive

As nuclear power has gradually lost favor among many Americans, our nuclear industry has stepped-up efforts to export nuclear equipment, fuel, technology and services to foreign nations. Russia and China are also aggressively selling and exporting these services and products. There are now more than 50 new nuclear power plants under construction worldwide, but only 2 of these are in the U.S. Another 170 foreign reactors are in advanced planning stages. Some of these nations look to nuclear power as a solution to our climate crisis.

Industry advocates claim today’s reactors are safer and more efficient than the 40-year-old ones that are mostly in use here and now. They also claim American influence and technology is best suited to ensure countries acquiring nuclear technology use it only for peaceful purposes.
Opponents of exporting nuclear technology claim there is still the problem of safely storing and securing nuclear waste for many centuries. They also worry these exports could enable rogue or unstable nations to acquire materials for dirty bombs or, through enrichment or reprocessing, build nuclear weapons.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.2506 - SAUDI WMD Act (117th Congress 2021-2022)
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX)

  • I oppose reforming current nuclear technology export policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA).
  • I support establishing measures to inhibit the development of nuclear weapons by Saudi Arabia by: 1.) Restricting the sale of specified munitions items to Saudi Arabia if, in the last three fiscal years, Saudi Arabia has taken certain steps towards developing nuclear weapons. 2.) Requiring the President to submit to Congress a written determination detailing (a.) whether any foreign person knowingly engaged in the trade of specified weapons subject to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) with Saudia Arabia in the last three fiscal years, and (b.) the sanctions the President has imposed or intends to impose against those persons. (The MTCR is an informal political understanding among states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.) 3.) Requiring the Department of State and the Department of Energy to submit a report on MTCR compliance and a strategy to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and missiles in the Middle East. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option »» No issues were voted

  • I support establishing measures to inhibit the development of nuclear weapons by Saudi Arabia by: 1.) Restricting the sale of specified munitions items to Saudi Arabia if, in the last three fiscal years, Saudi Arabia has taken certain steps towards developing nuclear weapons. 2.) Requiring the President to submit to Congress a written determination detailing (a.) whether any foreign person knowingly engaged in the trade of specified weapons subject to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) with Saudia Arabia in the last three fiscal years, and (b.) the sanctions the President has imposed or intends to impose against those persons. (The MTCR is an informal political understanding among states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.) 3.) Requiring the Department of State and the Department of Energy to submit a report on MTCR compliance and a strategy to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and missiles in the Middle East. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
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Poll Opening Date May 15, 2023
Poll Closing Date May 21, 2023