Trustee Archive

The transfer of firearms across state lines negates the efforts of officials trying to keep guns out of their cities and state. Most of these guns have been stolen or straw purchased. Advocates say interstate trafficking flourishes because states regulate firearm sales differently, and there is no federal limitation on the number of guns a person may purchase at one time. At least half a million firearms are stolen each year and more than half of these stolen guns are handguns, many of which are then sold illegally. Our ATF found that 1% of federally licensed firearms dealers were responsible for selling nearly 60% of the guns found at crime scenes and traced to dealers. Gun safety advocates say that gun traffickers, for their own selfish gain, provide deadly weapons to criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens. They say this crime is largely responsible for the violence in many of our cities.

The 2022 Safer Communities Act allows a straw purchaser to be subject to criminal and civil penalties, including the seizure and forfeiture of the firearms and ammunition involved in the offense, property derived from proceeds from the offense, and property used to commit or facilitate the offense. It also authorizes law enforcement to investigate straw purchasing firearms offenses using wiretaps (i.e., authorized interceptions of wire, electronic, or oral communications).

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1007 - Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act of 2021
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY)

  • I oppose reforming current interstate firearm transportation policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA).
  • I support making trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense by making a person who commits or conspires to commit a gun trafficking offense subject to criminal penalties — a prison term of up to 20 years (or up to 25 years, if the person also acted as an organizer), a fine, or both, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option »» No issues were voted

  • I support making trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense by making a person who commits or conspires to commit a gun trafficking offense subject to criminal penalties — a prison term of up to 20 years (or up to 25 years, if the person also acted as an organizer), a fine, or both, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Trustee Candidates

  • Representative
    If elected as a trustee, the campaign committee of Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY) will be unconditionally awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting her to favorably consider either reintroducing H.R.1007 - Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act of 2021, or a similar version thereof.

  • Giffords
    If elected as a trustee, Giffords will be awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting these funds be used to advocate for increased enforcement of laws relating to the interstate transportation of firearms.

    Mission: Our country is in the grip of a gun violence epidemic. Every American will know a victim of gun violence in their lifetime—this is not normal, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Giffords is fighting to end the gun lobby’s stranglehold on our political system. We’re daring to dream what a future free from gun violence looks like. We’re going to end this crisis, and we’re going to do it together.

Elected Trustee

  • No trustee votes received.
Trustee Evaluation


Trustee Suggestions

Poll Opening Date June 19, 2023
Poll Closing Date June 25, 2023