Trustee Archive

Syria is engaged in a civil war between those loyal to the government of Bashar al-Assad and those who wish to oust him. This struggle began with peaceful protests in 2011 and escalated into bloodshed a month later when government soldiers fired on demonstrators throughout the country. Following months of military action, these protests evolved into an armed civil rebellion. This conflict has no clear front lines, with clashes taking place in many cities and towns. The rebel ranks, composed of ex-soldiers, foreign fighters and civilian volunteers are without centralized leadership. In 2016, the UN estimated this conflict’s death toll at 400,000 people, at least half of which are civilians and children. According to the UN, at least 6.2 million Syrians have been displaced within their country and 5.6 million people have fled to other nations.

In 2014, under threat of U.S. attack, Assad agreed to the destruction of his chemical weapon stockpiles which had been used against civilians. However, since this action, the West has retreated from its involvement in Syria’s civil war to concentrate on defeating ISIS - while Assad received assistance from Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. Despite this help, Assad’s forces were still losing ground until Russia decided to enter the conflict in 2015. Russia said its forces are fighting ISIS but observers say the vast majority of its air strikes are targeting anti-Assad groups.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1706 - No Assistance for Assad Act (116th Congress 2019-2020)
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI)

  • I oppose reforming current Syrian civil war policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA).
  • I support prohibiting assistance for stabilizing or reconstructing any part of Syria controlled by the Syrian government through 2024 by: 1.) Maintaining these restrictions until the Syrian government is no longer using Syrian airspace to target civilian populations, is no longer cutting off international aid to besieged areas, and is releasing all political prisoners. 2.) Reporting to Congress on the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Syria regarding the challenges in accessing areas controlled by the Syrian government, the roles of U.S. allies and partners in ensuring access to various areas, and how assistance is being monitored and evaluated. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option »» No issues were voted

  • I support prohibiting assistance for stabilizing or reconstructing any part of Syria controlled by the Syrian government through 2024 by: 1.) Maintaining these restrictions until the Syrian government is no longer using Syrian airspace to target civilian populations, is no longer cutting off international aid to besieged areas, and is releasing all political prisoners. 2.) Reporting to Congress on the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Syria regarding the challenges in accessing areas controlled by the Syrian government, the roles of U.S. allies and partners in ensuring access to various areas, and how assistance is being monitored and evaluated. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Trustee Candidates

  • Representative
    If elected as a trustee, the campaign committee of Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI) will be unconditionally awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting him to favorably consider either reintroducing H.R.1706 - No Assistance for Assad Act (116th Congress 2019-2020), or a similar version thereof.

  • National Coalition of Syrian revolution and Opposition Forces
    If elected as a trustee, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces will be awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting these funds be used to provide humanitarian relief to the Syrian population including food, housing assistance and medical equipment and supplies.

    About: Preserving independence and national sovereignty and maintaining the Syrian people’s unity within the same Syrian soil is one of the critical pillars of the Syrian Coalition. The Coalition aims to overthrow the Assad regime along with all its symbols and pillars. It also aims to dismantle its security apparatus and hold accountable those involved in crimes against Syrians. In addition, it seeks to achieve a transition to a pluralistic, democratic and civil Syria.

Elected Trustee

  • No trustee votes received.
Trustee Evaluation


Trustee Suggestions

Poll Opening Date January 23, 2023
Poll Closing Date January 29, 2023