Trustee Archive

Much of our drinking water comes from rivers and lakes which have wastewater treatment plants located in or near these bodies of water. These facilities treat the water that is drained and flushed from nearly every American community. In addition to stormwater sweeping contaminants into these waterways, there is concern that our sewage plants are also passing dangerous contaminants into our water supplies. Traditional sewage treatment plants kill pathogenic microorganisms before releasing treated water into our waterways, but there are many other contaminants they are unable to treat or remove.

Typical wastewater contains many chemicals, pharmaceuticals and hormones - many of which remain biologically active after being discarded. These “emerging contaminants” include ibuprofen, caffeine, estrogen, testosterone and drugs that lower cholesterol and inhibit seizures. Hormones such as estrogen appear to alter aquatic organisms, and studies show emerging contaminants may be contributing to the worldwide fall in wildlife populations. It is also known that some of these chemicals can disrupt human endocrine systems, causing health problems such as infertility and cancer. Of growing concern are perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS, and used in a variety of products such as nonstick cookware, carpets and weatherproof clothing. Our military and the aerospace, automotive, construction and electronics industries also use PFAS - which likely have adverse health effects on organisms and people.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1915 - Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA)

  • I oppose reforming current emerging contaminant policy, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA).
  • I support creating, reauthorizing, and revising several grant programs for infrastructure to treat water pollution, such as wastewater or stormwater by: 1.) Reauthorizing through 2026 the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program, which provides communities low-cost financing for water quality infrastructure projects. 2.) Reauthorizing through 2026 grants for programs to control water pollution, and pilot projects related to watershed management of wastewater discharges such as sewer overflows or stormwater discharges during wet weather. 3.) Awarding grants to owners of publicly owned sewage treatment plants for the treatment of contaminants of emerging concern, such as perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option »» No issues were voted

  • I support creating, reauthorizing, and revising several grant programs for infrastructure to treat water pollution, such as wastewater or stormwater by: 1.) Reauthorizing through 2026 the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program, which provides communities low-cost financing for water quality infrastructure projects. 2.) Reauthorizing through 2026 grants for programs to control water pollution, and pilot projects related to watershed management of wastewater discharges such as sewer overflows or stormwater discharges during wet weather. 3.) Awarding grants to owners of publicly owned sewage treatment plants for the treatment of contaminants of emerging concern, such as perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Trustee Candidates

  • Representative
    If elected as a trustee, the campaign committee of Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA) will be unconditionally awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting her to favorably consider either reintroducing H.R.1915 - Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021, or a similar version thereof.

  • WaterKeeper Alliance
    If elected as a trustee, the WaterKeeper Alliance will be awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting these funds be used to advocate for removing emerging contaminants including pharmaceuticals, hormones and other dangerous chemicals from entering the nation’s waterways.

    About: Waterkeeper Alliance ensures that the world’s Waterkeeper groups are as connected to each other as they are to their local waters, organizing the fight for clean water into a coordinated global movement. We’re the largest and fastest-growing nonprofit solely focused on clean water. We preserve and protect water by connecting local Waterkeeper groups worldwide.

Elected Trustee

  • No trustee votes received.
Trustee Evaluation


Trustee Suggestions

Poll Opening Date July 03, 2023
Poll Closing Date July 09, 2023