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GUNS »» TRAFFICKING »» GUN THEFT »» Jan 11, 2021
A straw purchase of a firearm occurs when an individual legally buys a gun and then gives it to another person who is prohibited from owning a firearm. This is usually a federal crime. However, if a firearm is purchased as a gift, it is not considered a straw purchase and the buyer is regarded as the end user. A weapon purchased for another person, but not purchased from a gun dealer, is also legal unless the gun is used in a crime with the prior knowledge of the provider of the firearm. Surveys show that people attempt to illegally buy guns from dealers at least 35,000 times each year. Some of these illegal buyers convince gun dealers to keep transactions off the books. Some of these buyers also use stand-ins such girlfriends or wives to avoid background checks. Gun control advocates say the primary sources of guns for criminals are theft from private homes and straw purchases. Pending Legislation: H.R.4939 - STOP Straw Purchases Act
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