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Our nation's roads, bridges, dams, schools, electrical grids and water treatment facilities are old and unable to meet the needs of our growing population. Many of the structures we depend upon for safety, travel and commerce are functioning at maximum capacity or beyond their expected lifetime. Our water treatment facilities need $200 billion for improvements if they are to continue delivering enough clean water to our population, and keep our waterways clean. Our schools need $400 billion for safe and modern classrooms in order to prepare our children for the global economy. Ensuring the safety of all our nation's bridges will cost over $400 billion during the next 10 years. Our electrical transmission system needs to be upgraded to a smart grid and we need to transition to solar and wind energy if we are to overcome the challenges of climate change. Improvements to airports, ports and railways are also on the list. During the past 35 years, we have spent less than 3% of our GNP on infrastructure improvements. Many people say we should not just wait for power black-outs, bridges to fall and dams to burst. They believe now is the time to begin these improvements. Low borrowing rates mean the cost of funding the repair and renovation of our decaying infrastructure is as cheap as it has been in nearly 80 years. It is estimated that it will cost about $3.5 trillion or about $350 billion annually during the next 10 years to renovate our infrastructure. Besides immediate and future benefits to society, these renovation projects will also create many jobs and significantly boost our economy. It is estimated that 12 million jobs will be created for each trillion dollars spent on infrastructure improvements. Pending Legislation: H.R.3311 - America Wins Act Sponsor: Rep. John B. Larson (CT) Status: House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment (Transportation and Infrastructure) Chair: Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR)
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